black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Pharao Hurghada-Ausflüge

A large pyramid dominates the background, with the iconic Sphinx in the foreground. The setting is an ancient desert landscape with stone ruins and pathways leading tourists through the site.
A large pyramid dominates the background, with the iconic Sphinx in the foreground. The setting is an ancient desert landscape with stone ruins and pathways leading tourists through the site.
A group of people riding camels led by a guide in a desert landscape. The sky is overcast with clouds. The riders are wearing varied attire, some including scarves, hats, and sunglasses for protection against the sun and sand. The camels are fitted with colorful saddles and blankets.
A group of people riding camels led by a guide in a desert landscape. The sky is overcast with clouds. The riders are wearing varied attire, some including scarves, hats, and sunglasses for protection against the sun and sand. The camels are fitted with colorful saddles and blankets.
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Erfahrene Guides

Unser leidenschaftliches Team teilt die Wunder Ägyptens mit Besuchern aus der ganzen Welt.

Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Die Touren waren hervorragend und das Team sehr professionell und freundlich.


Silhouetted against a bright setting sun, several people ride camels across a desert landscape with prominent pyramids in the background. The scene suggests a journey or expedition, capturing a timeless connection to ancient history.
Silhouetted against a bright setting sun, several people ride camels across a desert landscape with prominent pyramids in the background. The scene suggests a journey or expedition, capturing a timeless connection to ancient history.



"Ein absolut fantastisches Erlebnis! Die Touren waren hervorragend organisiert und das Team war äußerst professionell und zuvorkommend. Ich kann es nur empfehlen!"
